Danny's Story: Before Reliv I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am a retired letter carrier, had suffered from joint discomfort for 22 years and had number of other health issues that kept me from enjoying my retirement years. Since starting Reliv my joint health has significantly improved, I have more energy than I've had in years and feel healthier today than I did 25 years ago. I'll never stop taking my Reliv shakes.
Sandy's Story: Reliv changed my life! Since birth I have had a severe allergy to laundry detergents...I could only use one product...and could not hear out of my right ear. Within a few weeks of taking Reliv I haven't experienced an allergic reaction to other detergents and after 2 years of taking the Reliv products my hearing improved! What a blessing!! There have been a number of other remarkable results that I've experienced since starting Reliv and I will never be without these great shakes!
We love sharing our experience and these products with everyone we know, love, and care about...and with complete strangers! The business greatly supplements our retirement income and is just plain fun to share with people!

Adding Life To Our Years